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group of wells中文是什么意思

用"group of wells"造句"group of wells"怎么读"group of wells" in a sentence


  • 群井


  • We can be a good agent because we have a group of well trained salesman
  • Jianfu palace , the first temple of this group of well - distributed architectures , is the subject this research
  • A group of well - trained operators and dental therapists under direct supervision of government dental officers provide basic dental treatment
  • And camilla , 58 , in a matching tweed jacket and skirt and red smiled and waved at a small group of well - wishers gathered outside the nearby crathie parish church , where they attended a
  • Yinglong company now has a group of consummately skillful and well qualitied computer operators and professional designers and a large group of well - experienced managing persons and workers
  • This is a massage for health and other sectors of the combat management consulting professional bodies , both within and outside by a group of well - known senior planner , advertising and management training experts
  • Since the reform and opening , with the transferring of international economical industries , for owning labor cost , mainland broad market and the competitive advantages , a group of well performed enterprises have grown up on chinese market
  • Charles , 57 , wearing a scottish tweed kilt , and camilla , 58 , in a matching tweed jacket and skirt and red beret , smiled and waved at a small group of well - wishers gathered outside the nearby crathie parish church , where they attended a morning service
    57的查尔斯身着一条苏格兰式方格斜纹软呢裙, 58岁的卡米拉一套装束十分相称,她上身穿了一件斜纹软呢夹克,下身是一条方格长裙,头戴一顶红色贝雷帽。
  • We have a group of well - trained personal . within the last thirty years , after all the team s hard working and effort , we have developed from a small , limited factory into an pharmaceutical manufacturer of a quite established scale . a trustworthy brand of medication is very important in pharmacy field , and we are committed to the quality of the products
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"group of wells"造句  
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